Friday, January 9, 2009

Narrow Gate

*Scriptures taken from

Matthew 7:13, 14

Wouldn't it be nice if we could pray for people and their souls would automatically be given access into heaven? It's so difficult for us to consider the possibility of not seeing those we love on the other side. But here Jesus paints the picture of two paths, two ways of living.

Path # 1 - a broad way with a wide gate. This is how many choose to live their life. This way is easy because it's so broad. There's plenty of room for us to meander, so we don't have to get worried about constantly caring if we're on the right track. Plus there's so much room for so many people. We can help others get through the wide gate, bringing them in right along side us. But this is the way that leads to destruction.

Path # 2- a difficult way with a narrow gate. Few are lucky enough to find it. The way is difficult, filled with roots and holes that try to trip and ensnare us. It is absolutely necessary to constantly be wary, making sure we're staying on the straight and narrow. And the gate is indeed narrow - meaning that there is only room for one; you can't go in with someone else. This is the way that leads to life.

There seems to be some talk going around about relationships. I am no expert on the topic; I freely confess that. But I believe God has placed multiple people (some of you even) into my life with questions on this topic particularly because I was studying these two verses.

How does it all relate? Firstly, there's the reference to the narrow gate. I have a distant relative with whom I was speaking to about relationships. He said he was glad that his wife was so spiritual, because he's depending on her to get him into heaven, basically believing he can ride in on her coattails. Unfortunately, this is a real viewpoint many share. But the Bible is clear - every tongue will confess and give an account to God [Romans 14:11, 12]. Every person must individually make the decision to follow God. I meet a lot of girls give the excuse, "I can change him." An excuse is really what it is - they are excusing themselves for taking part in a relationship that can be detrimental on both sides. Even if someone is willing to change their entire ideology for another, can it really constitute a true conversion? Choosing to follow God takes two people, and two people only: the repentant sinner and the Holy Spirit. We do not convert, we can only bring them to the cross. The rest is their decision.

Secondly, there's the last phrase. When I read this passage, I was reminded of a scene from the popular movie The Pursuit of Happyness. The protagonist asked, "How did Jefferson know to put the word 'pursuit'?" I similarly thought, "How did Jesus know to say that there are few who find the way that leads to life? Does that mean that my search is futile, that I ought to be enjoying a capricious lifestyle instead?" As the apostle Paul said, "Certainly not!" So many verses refer to the searching aspect of our Christian walk:

Isaiah 55:6 - Seek the Lord while He may be found ...
Jeremiah 29:13 - And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.
Matthew 6:33 - Seek ye first ... and all these things will be added to you.
Matthew 7:7 - ... Seek and you will find ...
(*emphasis added*)

The unifying theme with all these verses is that when seek God, when we actively search Him out, we will surely find Him. Although God warns us that someone is not His choice, it can be very difficult to consider letting go. We can feel insecure, unsure that we will find anyone as good as whom we have now. But I promise, when you are in the perfect will of God, the person whom He chooses is just that - perfect for you. Still, remember that it is not the spouse's duty to fulfill every need; that falls under God's job description. But it is our duty to take this blessed time of singleness (for those of us who are single) to develop ourselves in godly character. As a pastor friend of mine put it, "Then, look at the gift you have to present to your loved one."

Following God's path in anything - finding a life partner, a career, even a school - can be difficult. There will be things that tempt us as the easier, sensible choice. But hold firm to God. He has great plans for us, so we shouldn't sell ourselves short because of impatience or temporary emotions. Seek His perfect will through prayer. He promised that we will find it.

God bless,


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