Wednesday, July 2, 2008


A 2-D god

I know it’s been a while since I sent a devotional so here is on a very important subject: Jeremy Camp. More specifically my Jeremy Camp poster that hangs in my dorm room.

Don’t delete this message. Allow me explain. It is no secret to my closest friends that I am a huge fan of the contemporary Christian artist Jeremy Camp (this is not an endorsement I assure you). His picture hangs on my wall, and I joke with my roommates that I talk to it. My friends always give me a look as if to say, “You know it’s not real though, right?”

During one of my many mental wanderings this morning, I imagined myself answering them in my room, “Of course not! But it’s nice to have him around.” And since in my daydreams anything can happen, I see this J. Camp poster staying tight-lipped and angry with me when my friends leave – upset that I denied his existence, when he was always there in my room when I cried myself to sleep late at night, when I wrote and sang songs of worship and pain, when I played my guitar until the discouragement was released from my fingers. “He” was there, in my room, when I needed someone but couldn’t have anyone because it was that period, that time of being alone, when you cannot expect anyone to be there for you because it just wouldn’t be fair to them. And I denied him in front of him for the sake of my friends, because if I acted like I knew he was watching me, they would think I’m crazy.

I feel that’s how we often view God. He’s this two-dimensional figure of something we greatly admire and love to sport and represent as Christians. But we keep Him in this little room in our heart. When we’re outside with our friends, He’s not there with us. He’s stays in the room. When we’re in class or at work, He’s not there. He’s in the room. But when we’re hurt, when we’re broken, when we’re scared, and when we’re alone because we just can’t be with other people, He’s there. He watches us. He’s just an image even then. We don’t let Him interact in the healing process. And when we let friends get close enough to the room, suddenly we deny the reality of His existence. We deny that He’s watching us. Because what can He say? He’s just a two-dimensional picture.

I know I can say for myself that for a large portion of my Christian journey that was who God was to me. Something to store, something that could be contained, a source of life when I opened the bottle filled with living water, but something I could close up again. I personally refuse to live like that anymore. I refuse to let Him hang on the wall. I want Him to not just take over my world, but to become my world. If you want to do so as well, I suggest to log off Facebook and spend some time in prayer. God is really yearning for you to let Him be God in your life. To be your Lord and Master. Not to rule over you, but to love you as no one else can for every moment of everyday.

I’ll close with a thought from Rick Warren’s The Purpose Driven Life, “God … chose to create you for His own enjoyment … and He considers you valuable enough to keep with Him for eternity …” That’s how much God loves you. That’s what He wants to do with you if you let Him – to shape you into the vessel He intended in the first place. Actually, I like to think of it more as He’s already shaped us into our unique forms and the closer we get to Him the more He reveals our shape, our purpose. And all our pain comes from doing what we weren’t created to do – like square pegs trying to fit in round holes. But He won’t show us if we don’t want to see it. Don’t limit what God can do in your life. Don’t keep Him in two dimensions.


Please take the time to read this and do not be daunted by the size of the message. It's all about God wanting you to spend time with Him.

Not to feel guilty, but here's what He showed me: there are some girls who will see the message length and leave it for a rainy day. They may not delete it, but they will certainly not come to it for a while. We are all busy with our own schedule. But – and ladies I implore you to not think of this as some form of condemnation – if we can make the time for the hour to watch America’s Next Top Model (even I do), and the hour and a half for class, which only feed us socially and mentally, respectively, how much more time should we give to God who will feed us spiritually? If you looked at your spirit-man today, would she be emaciated? Sometimes I feel as though we suffer from spiritual anorexia, that we refuse to take the time to take in and chew the good meat of the Word of God, all because we seek to control our lives in our own way.

Please, daughter of God, my sister in Christ, take the time to read this message. I promise it is for you. And here’s what makes me so sure. Last night as I sat in the library, my mind wandered into the past and brought up feelings and emotions of another girl. I was so overcome with emotion that I took whatever paper was with me and wrote from that girl’s perspective. It evolved into something beautiful, and here I share it with you. I was tempted not to, but the Lord sent me confirmation in the form of my devotional for the day, which not only addressed the same topic but quoted the same verse. See for yourself after reading this if you don’t believe me (


“That girl’s song resounds in my head and as always I find that it is a reflection of how I feel in my heart. ‘Broken up deep inside. You won’t get to see the tears I cried.’ God I feel so – so torn. So absolutely, positively torn. I don’t know why You put me in his life but I know You did and I see it serving its purpose each day.

“It hurts God. It hurts to see him pursue another, more pretty. I don’t even envy her. I know You made me beautiful and wonderful and very unique. I don’t know. I guess it hurts that no one sees that. That I am seeing it in myself, but nobody else does, or if they do then, well, they’re girls.

“It hurts Father to see him pursue another when I feel as though I was the one who was there. But I always chose to make myself not seen. I worked in mysterious ways, moving the hearts of others to go talk to him when he was hurting. I didn’t care that he didn’t turn to me, though it hurt. What mattered more was that he hurt. And I was going to do whatever it took to get him to feel better. So if he wouldn’t talk to me then he’d talk to another. And he’d feel better and draw closer to that girl until he realized that she wasn’t the right fit. So he turned to another.

“And there he is, pursuing girl after girl when he doesn’t realize that I can fit his need. That I have been the eye that saw him, that cared for him. That brought him to you in my intercession. Ever-interceding on his behalf. ‘Father, he just can’t see right now. He hasn’t totally rejected me yet, Father. Give him one more chance. He’s made the mistake to see me as just a casual friend but not as we are meant to be. I yearn for that deeper relationship, sure. But if all he sees me as is just a smudge, a faint reminder, then at least I’m present. At least I’m noticed.’ But I yearn for more.

“And now I see how You feel. I get, Jesus, what You mean. Jesus, I know it hurts to see me pursue another when You were the One who was there. But You always chose to make Yourself not seen. You worked in mysterious ways, moving the hearts of others to go and talk to me when I was hurting. You didn’t care that I didn’t turn to You, though it hurt. What mattered more was that I hurt. And You were going to do whatever it took to get me to feel better. So if I wouldn’t talk to You, I’d talk to another. And I’d feel better and draw closer to that person until I realized he wasn’t the right fit. So I’d turned to another.

“And here I am pursuing person after person when I don’t realize that only You can fit my need. That you have been the eye that saw me and cared for me. That You, Jesus, brought me to the Father in Your intercession. Ever-interceding on my behalf. ‘ “Father, she just doesn’t see Me right now. She hasn’t totally rejected Me yet, Father. Give her one more chance. She’s made the mistake of seeing Me just as a casual friend, but not as we were meant to be. I yearn for that deeper relationship, sure. But if all she sees Me as is just a smudge, a faint reminder, then at least I’m present. At least I’m noticed.” But I yearn for more.’

So what do I do Father? What choice do I make? Do I continue to smudge You, make You less and less distinct until You are so faded that I forget You’re there? Or do I choose to write a new chapter, this time in pen. And not bur the promise I’m making with You but keep it distinct, intact, TRUE! The choice is mine to make. I alone can make it. But should I do so, I will not be alone – no, I will never be alone.”

Ladies, what is the decision you will make? If you’ve come to this part of the message then you’ve taken the first step – making the time to receive from Him. Now it’s time to open the door.

“Behold I Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.” Revelation 3:20 (NKJV)

God bless,


Dirty Feet

This being Good Friday (and what a good Friday it is), I wanted to share something special with all you lovely ladies. Something that ties in with the suffering of Jesus so that we can be reflective, quiet, and somber. God had other plans.

A friend of mine (and I hope she doesn’t kill me for posting this) made a comment on my wall about a picture I put up, complaining that she had dirty feet in the picture. I couldn’t care less because it was in India and, yes, the roads are dusty and one’s feet definitely do become dirty. I remember that it was there that I understood the ancient Jewish custom of washing someone’s feet when they entered the home. It was so no dirt would drag in.

Once someone had forgotten to do so, and a woman with a little bottle of alabaster oil washed the dirty, smelly feet of a Prophet, rinsing it with her tears and wiping it with her hair. This story (Luke 7:36-50) is one of my favorites because of the humility she showed. As I said before, the feet of a person was dirty, disgusting, filthy, and smelled awful from walking through the dusty roads, but she used her most precious things to clean the feet of Jesus. The alabaster oil was costly, but she would gladly give up her riches for the Christ. Her hair was perhaps more costly, being the quintessence of female beauty, but she would sacrifice her body for her Savior. Her tears were the most costly thing of all, the very keys to her heart, but she would give it up to her God. All she had she gave up to wash the feet of Jesus.

God use to require us to examine those lower appendages too. What did God tell Moses at the burning bush? Exodus 3:5 tells us that He instructed him to remove the sandals from his feet for the place where he stood was holy. There are probably a few interpretations for this. Mine is simply this: God didn’t want Moses to get His place dirty. Removing one’s sandals is taking away the part of you that most clearly highlights where you have been. If you were in water, they would be wet; if you were in the mud, they would bear it too. But it God’s presence, he wanted Moses to separate himself from the world and leave it outside. Moses would have to put back on the sandals eventually, but when he was with God, he was not to bear any sign of the world. Pause now, and let that sink in.

I’m not trying to make you feel guilty today – no, in fact, I hope to do quite the opposite. It was not only us lowly sinful humans who had to be mindful. Isaiah 6 tells of the cherubim who would stay before the presence of the Lord. They each had six wings, two to fly, two to cover their face, and two – yes – to cover their feet. Imagine these lovely celestial beings flying around proclaiming, “The whole earth is full of His glory” and yet never being able to see it? Why? Because they still had to be mindful of their feet. They still knew their place – not yet holy.

But in Revelation 4 we see an awesome picture. Four living creatures, which can be interpreted as the four representations of Jesus in the Gospels, that too have six wings are flying about the throne room of God. They are in the very presence of the Almighty! And are they covering their eyes or feet? No! In fact, the Bible says that they are covered in eyes, as if to say they cannot get enough of seeing the glory of God!

That’s the difference! That’s the difference that Jesus made. See, He didn’t come into this world to condemn us. I’ll tell you what else: it might have been your sins that nailed Him to the cross, but He did not come into the world to die either. He came into this world to RESURRECT! The cross is not our hope – though it is our reminder. The empty tomb is our hope! If Jesus had just lived a good life and taught people and died, then we would be no different from every world religion out there. But Jesus was the Son of God and proved it by “laying down his life that He may take it again” (to paraphrase John 10:17). No one could take it from Him without His permission; He gladly gave it up and He knew He was going to take it up again. There is freedom from His resurrection!

Here’s where it really ties in girls. (Before you read on, first read Hebrew 12:1, 2 so that you can understand from where I’m coming.) Last night I had a dream that there were all these women running a race, not against each other but with themselves; it was all about just trying to finish it. Some inevitably looked to each other to see where others were at, but for the most part they knew it was not a competition. And I was there too, running with them, cheering them on, encouraging them to persevere. But there were a few girls who started to lose hope. They looked down at their feet and thought about where they had come from. They were thinking about they had gone through and wondered if it was even worth it to keep running. Some had been badly abused, others molested as children. Society told them that it was okay to become “rejects,” because they had somebody to blame. They didn’t have to run the race. Everyone would understand that they just didn’t have the strength because what happened to them crippled them spiritually. And slowly, they more they looked down, the more discouraged they got. Finally some quit altogether, and when we called out to them and asked why, they said, “It’s just not for me,” too ashamed to tell the whole truth.

But ladies, you do not have to give into that lie. Something beautiful God taught me through the book The Purpose Drive Life by Rick Warren was that God uses our experiences, even our hurtful ones, for His glory and for His ministry. The creatures did not hide their feet; they showcased it, knowing full well that it was what the Father had used to help them help others get into heaven. They wore their feet with pride, as a living memorial of how God uses our weaknesses, mistakes, shames, and trials for His glory. Jesus made that difference. And once we enter into heaven, we too will behold His majesty freely because we don’t have to worry about our dirty feet.

Dealing with Grief

For over a month I have been wanting to do some devotional on pain, and now I feel is the time.
More specifically, I want to talk about dealing with grief, which I here define as a pain that stems from a loss. We associate grief with death, but that's not the only way you can lose a loved one. The woman who loses her son to gangs, her sister to drugs, her boyfriend to another woman, or even her best friend to her own selfish desires equally feels sorrow.

That's the first of five principles you should keep in my mind:

1. Realize that you're hurt.
Don't be ashamed. There is no shame in shedding a tear. It's good to be strong and courageous, but it doesn't show a lack of faith to say that you are pain. Acknowledge it. For a long time, I would not tell anyone what was going on in my life, inside and outside, kept my depression to myself, let it eat me up inside. I felt that God put people in my life who "have it a lot worse" so I had no right to complain. But I realized now that I could not have been more wrong. To say that someone else has a worse life than me is to say that God is unfair. And He surely is not. God is merciful and just to EVERYONE. You are not exclusively His child. You do receive grace, or unmerited favor, but you do NOT receive special attention. He loves EACH person individually. So yes, you are going through a rough time. It's rough for you - admitting it only admits that you are human and weak, which is the truth.

2. Know that God put it in your life for a reason.
One of my favorite characteristics of God is his eternal nature, how He is able to see all of time at once as if it were every page in the book of history strewn about before Him. He knows you. He knows everything about you. The Bible says the very hairs on your head are numbered [Matthew 10:30]. He knows your body; He knows you physically. The Bible also says that God looks at the heart [1 Samuel 16:7] - He knows you emotionally. He knows your every thought so He knows you mentally. Need I go on? He knows you. He knows you so well because He loves you so much; only a person passionate about a subject will investigate every detail of it. He loves you with a passion.
Now that we have that established, do you honestly believe that God would put you through pain for no reason? The reason may not be apparent but He will reveal it in time, though maybe not to you. Job never saw the book that was written about his life, so famous today that it's studied in philosophy classes throughout the nation. Sometimes you'll never understand why you go through a trial, but it is a trial - it is to try you. You will get stronger in the end.

3. Remember and record every step of the way because it will be your testimony.
You yourself may not receive true benefit that comes from the experience, but guess what? You weren't meant to. Your tribulations are not for you; they are for another. There's another girl whose cousin fell through the cracks and now you know to tell her how to deal with a loved one battling addiction. There's a teenager who feels like she's losing her father to his own selfishness who you can help. There's a wife who thinks she cannot cope with her husbands adultery whose hand you can hold. It may not be now or even soon, but you can help. You will help. Your experience is your ministry. That's why it's so crucial to record in any way suitable to you the way you got through this. Because you will get through this.

4. Remind yourself that you are not alone.
God is always there. Focus on that fact. Recall the previous devotional on letting God be a three-dimensional part of your life. He can be if you let Him. He wants nothing more than to scoop you in arms and hold you tight. And He does it every morning when He sends you his sun. He proclaims His love for you every night with billions of stars. Even if you can’t “feel” Him, He’s there. He hears your prayers. He sees your tears. Even if every waking moment is filled with pain, He blessed you with fragility so that at some point you have to sleep. Your pain is not perpetual.
He has not left you, _____. I wish I could know all of your names so I could write it out 250 times with each of your names after the comma. “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” [Deuteronomy 31:6] That’s His promise to you. And God cannot lie – He is too powerful. Anything He speaks automatically becomes the truth. So He meant it, my friend. He never, ever leaves. There’s nothing that you can do can push Him to the point of giving up. “For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” [Romans 8:38, 39]

5. Call on a friend.
A human friend. God placed people into your life for a reason. No one, not even Jesus Himself, went through life alone. Sure there are times when you need to be by yourself. We just established that God is always there for you. But there is a power that comes with human interaction - simply put, it heals. Don’t avoid your problem; please, talk about it. My suggestion is to first go to a Christian friend who will know that God is the ultimate source of comfort and strength. But even if you can only talk to an understanding non-Christian, turn to them. You cannot and should not go through this by yourself.

I’ll leave you with the word’s from Kirk Franklin’s song “Afterwhile.”

Afterwhile, afterwhile
This too shall past, afterwhile
Scars will heal,
You'll love again
It won't hurt you afterwhile
It won't hurt afterwhile

Stuck between if and when
You prayed and tried
But still no end
God's purpose soon you'll understand
It won't hurt you afterwhile
It won't hurt you afterwhile

Afterwhile, afterwhile
This too shall past, afterwhile
Scars will heal,
You'll love again
It won't hurt afterwhile

So when the pain has come to end
And now your heart is whole again
Help someone who needs to know
That it won't hurt them afterwhile
It won't hurt them afterwhile
It won't hurt them afterwhile

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Proverbs 31 woman - Post 21

Day 21 – Prov. 31:31

"Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her own works praise her in the gates."

- (New King James Version)

We ended the last devotional saying that "when you remember to fear Him (revere Him), then you shall be praised." And here we see it.

Our speaker, recall, is a mother who is telling her son the right woman to look for. Most people know how hard it is to please a mother-in-law ;) But here we see her actually imploring her audience "GIVE HER the fruits of her labor." Our virtuous woman has lived a life so ... well, virtuous, that perhaps one of the last people to praise her cannot deny her her due rewards. What an amazing life she must have led!

I find myself smiling again as I address the second part of the verse. "Let her own works praise her ..." Probably the only woman worthy enough to toot her own horn must now bear with another restriction (though I hesitate to use that word). She never boasts of her good deeds, but lets her good deeds boast for her. But this really isn't a restriction because, as we've addressed numerous times before, pride is itself a trap, and completely unfounded since she has nothing to be proud of - GOD provided her with every good trait.

And HE in the end will be the rewarder. Countless times I've read this passage, these 22 verses, and been so awestruck by the last verse that I missed the message in the last phrase. "In the gates ..." I associated it with the same gates in which her husband is known, when he sits among the elders of the land. I found such honor in her being known among the people as a virtuous woman. Surely, this is how her works speak as a testimony of her virtue. But then I realized that I was thinking too small.

It's too small an act to be honored by her husband or her children. It's too small an act to be honored by the maidservants for whom she loving provided clothing and a meal. It's too small for her to be honored by the merchants who go to far away lands and still can attest that they've never met a woman as fantastic as she. It's even too small for her to be honored by the elders of the land, whose word is law.

Similarly, it's too small an act for a virtuous woman in our time to just be honored by her family. It's too small for her to be honored and revered by those with whom she works (with or under). It's too small for her to be honored by the educated class, the worldly, the "cultured" and well-rounded, who think they've seen it all and thus feel themselves apt to judge. It's even too small for her to be honored by the kings/rulers/presidents what-have-you of this world, who with one word can alter the course of history.

No, this is too small. And if she were not to be honored by any of these, it would be okay. Because in the end, her works would praise her "in the gates." Those gates that so many virtuous women have seen but whose names have never been mentioned in any book, magazine, or Facebook message. Those gates that open to a glorious home, where each brick was laid for each of her acts of righteousness mortared with love and affection, not self-satisfaction. Those gates where her Savior stands, ready to greet her with open arms. How we long for those gates!

Can we see it now? Can we understand the gravity of the task we are undertaking? To make the vow of living a virtuous life - what an investment in our future! And each day as we grow closer to Him, we reflect Him more and more, until our face shines like Moses when he came down from the mountain. This is our true beauty - the glory of God that resides in each us, manifesting itself in faith, hope, purity, and love.

showcase your true beauty.

God bless,

Alisha Philip

Proverbs 31 woman - Post 20

Day 20 – Prov. 31:30

"Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised."

- (New King James Version)

I can't tell you how many times I hear stories like this: "I can't walk out of the house without makeup." "I work in a higher profession - it requires me to look good." "I get more respect/attention when I look better."

I've said before that these mini message sets are not against any show of outer beauty, but they are not necessarily for it either. I really love this verse because it reminds of a time when I too was unable to look past my own exterior. God had a plethora of riches stored up inside, but I was took preoccupied with decorating the outside of this vessel. But beauty fades as quickly as it comes. So why immerse yourself into its troubles in the first place?

The world, I feel has caught on to this notion, and turned it into an anti-establishment, let-your-hair-flow-free, go-all-natural fashion craze. They tell us that the true beauty comes in confidence. "Guys love a girl who's confident in herself." This may or may not be true. But here we see that "charm is deceitful," and I've come to realize that it is. We become so confident in ourselves, charm our way into a boy's heart and for what purpose? Who are you making yourself out to be? He's falling in love with an image, a mirage, a hologram (or hallow-gram as I like to think of it). What is there to gain from that?

There's nothing wrong with being happy with who you are, but there's everything wrong with being proud of it. Why? Because you can only really be proud of something you completely controlled and turned out perfect. You are perfect (in God's eyes), but it's not a result of your actions. HE made you beautiful, inside and out. HE gave you the ability to sing, dance, speak, draw, act, think, listen, care, forgive, love. Whatever makes you you was a gift from God to share with the world. That makes you very precious, but He is the one who gave you your worth. When you remember that, when you remember to fear Him (revere Him), then you shall be praised.

showcase your true beauty.

God bless,


Proverbs 31 woman - Post 19

Day 19 – Prov. 31:28, 29

"Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “ Many daughters have done well, but you excel them all.”

- (New King James Version)

And here it is. The one I've been saying would come, and you just had to take my word for it. We always knew this woman was praiseworthy, but we had yet to see her getting praised. It's funny how Day 16's verse (v. 25) taunts a little, saying that "she shall rejoice in the time to come," suggesting that she will be praised and thus justified, but qualifies it by saying in such future time.

Finally, as we approach the end of this passage, we see her getting her "just desserts." We spoke on numerous occasions of the faith principle, how you have to put in the work now and trust in God to give you the reward in the end (in fact we saw that yesterday).

But here's the beautiful thing. Look at who is praising her. It's her family - those that know her best. The hardest thing in the world is to get people who know you to praise you. They see your flaws on a DAILY basis, and love you still, though sometimes through obligation. But for them to praise you, you need to be a spectacular type of woman.

Indeed her husband tells her that, "Many daughters have done well, but you excel them all.” And this same man, recall, sits among the elders of the land, so he has probably seen the best of the best. Still he can say this compliment honestly.

Her children even call her blessed. That is perhaps even more important, because we all know that the one true legacy we leave is our future generation. So, though her children are too young to see and appreciate her dedication, they are not too recognize how good they have it. They know that she is a blessed woman, and in turn uses it to bless others.

Live a life that makes you praiseworthy.

showcase your true beauty.

God bless,


Proverbs 31 woman - Post 18

Day 18 – Prov. 31:27

"She watches over the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness."
- (New King James Version)

Today's virtue: vigilance. Defined in the American Heritage Dictionary as, "alert watchfulness," vigilance is one of those things I like to consider as a "higher" virtue. I am in no way implying that some virtues are greater than others, but I do believe that some take longer to require.

I'm struggling, admittedly, to look at this verse from a new perspective. There's just such a unity in this entire passage so that I find myself repeating what was said in the past. But reinforcement is always for a reason, and perhaps someone today needed to hear this one more time.

Recall on Day 12 when we discussed preparedness. Our virtuous woman took the effort to prepare her house against the snowstorms of life, covering ALL her household in scarlet, which I suggested to represent the blood of our Savior. We also discussed, on numerous occasions, about how life is an active process - that you have to go out and get what you need. It's encourage again in the latter portion of this verse: she "does not eat the bread of idleness."

But the activity described here is interesting because it is not something others would take notice of. To be vigilant, or watchful, is often overlooked. At least when she was preparing, we could see our woman busily working away, and so she'll be praised undoubtedly for it. I take vigilance here, however, to represent those things we do not to be praised by others, and not even to serve as a testimony for others. It's those things that we do because if we don't we'll suffer in the end. And no one's going to appeal to you before to do it and no one's going applaud you after for doing it.

It's sounds rather laborious, doesn't it? Why would anyone in their right mind add to their workload? Sometimes, though, we need to look at the benefits in the future and make the little sacrifice now. And this is why I said it can be seen as "higher" virtue, because only after having learned to discipline yourself in the other ways mentioned can you foresee future failures and prevent them. You will get there though, I assure you.

showcase your beauty.

God bless,


Proverbs 31 woman - Post 17

Day 17 – Prov. 31:26

"She opens her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness."

- (New King James Version)

A good friend of mine always says, "God is a funny one." It seems to apply here. I love how He so nonchalantly tells us to submit ourselves to wisdom and kindness as we speak, as if it were the easiest thing to do. =)

But, if you think about it, it kind of is. "She OPENS her mouth with wisdom." In other words, if you have nothing wise to say, don't say it; or, as my father always admonishes me, "Think before you talk." Proverbs 17:28 speaks the truth: "Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace; When he shuts his lips, he is considered perceptive." So think twice before even considering making a comment. Does it reflect the wisdom of God, His love, His praise?

And by what do you govern what you say? By the "law of kindness." If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. Isn't it funny how these little cliches we grew up with seem to have more wisdom than we previously thought? Maybe these truths are not only universal, but unending in their relativity to our lives.

And you'll notice that these traits are indeed universal. Almost every culture, at least every one with which I've come into contact, has stories depicting strong women as those who are kind but shrewd. So how about today we take it to another level? We show ourselves to not only be strong women, but "strong Christian women," who seek to be admirable not to exalt themselves, but to exalt the One who made them.

showcase your true beauty.

God bless,


Proverbs 31 woman - Post 16

Day 16 – Prov. 31:25

"Strength and honor are her clothing; she shall rejoice in time to come."

- (New King James Version)

Does this verse conflict with the one that speaks of her clothing being "fine linen and purple"? I think not. Can a woman dress herself in this day and age in beautiful garments and still consider herself adorned in "strength and honor"? I think so.

These sets of messages are a rant for nor against makeup, jewelry, or fashionable clothing. They merely are meant to encourage you to look at the beauty inside and show it outwardly. It's not something to be hidden. Wear yourself with dignity. Be proud of who you are in Him. Be proud to be His dearest princess. Yes, you. You as an individual, not just a member of this FB group. God looks at me and says, "I love you, Alisha, with all my heart. And I long for the day when you will give me all of your heart. I long for the day when you'll see me as I see you, and are unafraid to show this to the world, no matter what the consequence."

Showing who you really are can be frightening - I know, I feel it daily. But God has encouraged today (literally) to let you know that I may be swimming upstream, against the current, but I know where I'm going, and I'm only getting stronger in the process.

So say this to yourself today, filling in your name, in front of a mirror, looking directly eye-to-eye. "God loves me, ___, with all His heart. And He longs for the day when I will give Him all of my heart. He longs for the day when I'll see Him as He sees me, and am unafraid to show this to the world, no matter what the consequence." Believe it to be true, because it is, and you SHALL "rejoice in the time to come."

showcase your true beauty.

God bless,


Proverbs 31 woman - Post 15

Day 15 – Prov. 31:24

"She makes linen garments and sells them,and supplies sashes for the merchants."

- (New King James Version)

Recall in Day 10's message that the verse talked about how our virtuous woman was resourceful, working hard at the spindle to prepare garments for her household, and most likely her maidservants as well.

Well, I like to imagine that (and I implore you to realize this is only an anecdote, a conjured pretense of my imagination), as the servant who made due with his two talents and earned two more, so the this woman was able to expand on the little she had. Using ingenuity, she engineered an efficient method of getting by, and now can produce more with less resources - the formula for business expansion. And as we saw on Day 7 (verse 16), she already had the sense to be "economic."

In other words, she was successful. God blessed her, and in turn she was able to bless others, in this case the merchants, through whom she was probably able to "bring her food from afar" (Day 5, verse 14).

Everything ties together for this woman. She was "faithful over a few things," and now was made "ruler over many things." God is a rewarder of good deeds, if not in this life, then in the glorious one to come. Be persistent in whatever you do for Him. You may not be able to see the purpose of it now, but each task is just a puzzle piece, and one day you will see the bigger picture.

showcase your true beauty.

God bless,


Proverbs 31 woman - Post 14

Day 14 – Prov. 31:23

"Her husband is known in the gates, when he sits among the elders of the land."
- (New King James Version)

After a very sobering week, I've come to the conclusion that we cannot live a live independent of this world. I'm reminded of Avalon's song "In Not Of". We are to live in the world but remember that we are not of this world. The effect of which is that we will leave an impression on those with whom we come into contact; it is unavoidable. What is the impression we will leave? How will we influence our neighbors?

This woman, with her blatant virtue, has become the talk of the town. Even her husband is known in the gates. Her wisdom has infected him, to the point where he sits among the elders of the land. I'm not saying that this man was not capable of ascendancy on his own, but since this chapter does take it from the perspective of the woman. We can exert that influence.

It's no longer good enough to stand back, say that you did your part, and watch your organization or family or whatever it is fall apart. You have to take an active interest in others. Love them as you love yourselves. Realize that their success is your success, their happiness is your happiness. I believe that was the view of Jesus. His joy is our joy. God made this world that we may take pleasure in it, and THAT was pleasurable to Him. Beauty comes from love, loving God, loving ourselves, and loving others.

showcase your true beauty.

God Bless,

Proverbs 31 woman - Post 13

Day 13 – Prov. 31:22

"She makes tapestry for herself; her clothing is fine linen and purple."
- (New King James Version)

I smile at myself as I type this because I wonder how many of you guys will think me a hypocrite, or at least, in a much more grave instance, think the Bible inconsistent. But it isn't.

The word/virtue for today - elegance - doesn't seem like a virtue at all. But it is. The American Heritage Dictionary defines elegance as "refinement, grace, and beauty in movement, appearance, or manners." Appearance is just a portion of it. But it is a part.

I am in no way encouraging anyone to judge a person; Jesus Himself explicitly says "Do not judge" (Matthew 7:1). Sometimes, however, how we "dress" ourselves can significantly impact our future. I say "dress", because we can do so in so many ways, not just with our clothing. Our demeanor is important, too. Think of a princess. Part of her profession is to kind of exude regality. She has to realize that she is in a position of prominence, and because of this she must act in a way that can positively reflect her country.

Well, I hope you all realize that you all are princesses as well. Your Father is not just any king, but the King of Kings and Lord of lords. We are to reflect positively on His kingdom. So don't be afraid to dress up. So long as you can be happy with, and not proud of, the blessings God has given you, there is no sin. Any remember to never be afraid to

showcase your true beauty.

God bless,

Proverbs 31 woman - Post 12

Day 12 – Prov 31:21

"She is not afraid of snow for her household, for all her household is clothed in scarlet."

- (New King James Version)

Our virtuous woman is one thing - prepared. She is strong, determined, optimistic even perhaps, but she acknowledges that sometimes in life, storms come. And it's not because of anything we've done. One of my favorite passages is Matthew 5:45 - "... for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust." Bad things happen to people, good or bad. The smart thing is to be prepared.

And here is where the first portion of the verse is virtually obliterated in the all-consuming radiance of the second: "... all her household is clothed in scarlet." Again, I believe the Bible is open to interpretation, and perhaps it meant something else at that time, but can you think of anything more wonderful that a house being clothed in scarlet? Recall Ex 12:7. That was just the doorpost. This is the WHOLE household.

But here's the beauty. It doesn't even say house; it says "household," implying those that dwell in it. What greater blessing, what sweeter treasure can their be than the precious knowledge that all your household is bathe in the redeeming blood of our Savior.

Here I may have struck a chord. If you are not as fortunate as I, to know that all your living family knows Jesus and is walking with Him, take the time to pray for them. No matter what they've done in the past, no matter how short a prayer you can stand to make before you shake with emotion - trust me, "everybody ought to KNOW who Jesus is."

showcase your true beauty.

God Bless,


Proverbs 31 woman - Post 11

Day 11 – Prov 31:20

"She extends her hand to the poor, yes, she reaches out her hand to the needy."
- (New King James Version)

Today's virtue: kindness. The verse is very simple; there is no need for decoding it's hidden mysteries. It simply tells us to help the poor and the needy. But many of us look at the verse and, though we agree, we do little to act on its admonition.

It's understandable to get caught up in our daily tasks and duties that we let the simple things like this slip by. Check your definition of poor and needy. Poor means deficient - in what is up to you. Needy means to be in need.

Maybe it's a hand of friendship that you can extend to the downtrodden. Maybe it's advice you can share with a youngster who has no one to look up to. Maybe it's a small prayer you can say for a sick woman who has no believers in her household. Maybe it's a word of thanks to someone working a twelve-hour shift with an unappreciative boss. There's so many things that can be done. What can you do today?

showcase your true beauty.

God Bless,

Proverbs 31 woman - Post 10

Day 10 – Prov 31:19

"She stretches out her hands to the distaff, and her hand holds the spindle."
- (New King James Version)

I'm not quite sure if my interpretation on this one is valid; it certainly is not a deep as the previous few. But we serve a practical God so ...

When I read this verse, my mind conjures up an image of a woman sitting in a little spot in her house, busily working at her spindle. She is making clothing for all of her house (probably including her maidservants), and making some extra (the reason we'll see later). It's a talent that she was not born with, but one that was birthed out of necessity. Eventually she became so efficient at it that she realized she can make something of it ...

I'll leave you with that cliffhanger. Some of you will read ahead and figure it out yourselves.

Today's virtue: resourcefulness. Make due with what you have. God has given you all you need (check Matthew 6:25-34). It may require a little effort, and even - heaven help us - TIME ;) , but in the end, we will get done what needs to be done. And who knows where it will lead?

showcase your true beauty.

God Bless,

Proverbs 31 woman - Post 9

Day 9 – Prov 31:18

"She perceives that her merchandise is good, and her lamp does not go out by night."
- (New King James Version)

I received two insights into this verse, two totally different interpretations.

The first runs along the lines of what we've been discussing before. Remember on Day 6, we talked about being confident in what you do for God, relying on the fact that you put thought and prayer into it. We see this confidence her perception that "her merchandise is good." The latter part about her lamp I assumed dealt more with the verse for tomorrow, related to her hard work and diligence; she does not rest 'til her work is perfect.

It was only recently that I uncovered a second interpretation that better links the two portions of the verse. Yes, she perceives that merchandise is good, but that is why she must not let her lamp go out at night. In other words, she must safeguard her treasure.

We each have something that God has given us, a talent that can take on any form - from singing, to painting, to killer business intuition, to encouragement. But our aptitude for such was not only revealed to us and the Father, but also to the enemy who seeks to "steal" it from us (John 10:10). That's why it is imperative that we secure this precious gift, and remain vigilant in the task. Don't let what God has given you slip away. It had a purpose, and it still has.

showcase your beauty.

God bless,

Proverbs 31 woman - Post 8

Day 8 – Prov 31:17

"She girds herself with strength, and strengthens her arms."
- (New King James Version)

The virtue for today: strength. The verse can be broken down to two types: 1/ the one with which she girds herself and 2/ the one with which she strengthens herself.

The former is a form that she can control - it is the "taking on" of strength in order to support herself. An important principle can be derived from this: to support yourself, you require the support of others. And none can be more supportive that the true Supporter.

The latter is a form that she cannot control, but is a consequence of her circumstances. She strengthens her arms by resisting some opposing force (all you weight lifters understand what I mean). But from these arduous tasks she emerges stronger than before, and, most importantly, is able to support others.

So here we see a dichotomy: to be supported, and to support. The Lord expects us to yield to both.

showcase your true beauty.

God Bless,

Proverbs 31 woman - Post 7

Day 7 – Prov 31:16

"She considers a field and buys it; from her profits she plants a vineyard."
- (New King James Version)

Repetition in the Bible, as in any other book, is not in vain. There is a reason why themes are repeated. Quick recap of themes we've seen so far: hard work & diligence, an attitude of "doing," and most recently - preparedness.

Here we see preparedness take on a different approach. This is not from the perspective of a mother or a wife, but more so of an individual. To put it simply, she is economic. Notice that she "considers" a field, pondering over whether she really needs that field, not only if she can afford it. And she invests into her purchase, being confident of her decision, by using her own profits from other things (we'll see later) to plant a vineyard - or yield a result.

Recall that in a previous message, we talked about what is needed vs. what we want. Well, now we see that God is actually encouraging us to go ahead and invest into ourselves by investing into our decision, knowing full well that He is with us. Trust in the Lord. Trust that He is one who is with the righteous woman. Trust yourself by investing into yourself - invest your love, time, energy, and least of all money (remember keep things in perspective).

showcase your true beauty.

God Bless,

Proverbs 31 woman - Post 6

Day 6 – Prov 31:15

"She considers a field and buys it; from her profits she plants a vineyard."
- New King James Version

Wisdom. Shopping. Two words not closely associated in women (at least in the stereotypical view). But this verse goes beyond comparing prices, beyond mere frugality. It's about putting consideration into whatever you do. Do not do just because the task is required of you. Realize you have the same 24 hours as everyone else, 24 hours that God has blessed you with in order to do what needs to be done.

She is buying a field with her own profits, and going ahead and planting a vineyard. Here lies the reward: when you place deliberation into your choices, you can go ahead and "plant", confident in your decision. Trust that God has blessed you with the ability to discern. Take a leap of faith.

showcase your true beauty.

God Bless,

Proverbs 31 woman - Post 5

Day 5 – Prov 31:14

"She is like the merchant ships, she brings her food from afar."
- (New Kings James Version)

One of the things I love about the Bible is how practical it is. I admit it was hard to wrap my head around this verse, but I think I cracked it - feel free to write back to tell me what you think.

The first thing that comes to mind is the word "entertaining," as in guests. In other words, she is, in simple terms, well-rounded or cultured, if you prefer. She understand that, as we've been seeing as a reoccurring point, we are not to live sedentary lifestyles, but to pursue life. After all, the more we learn, the more we realize we don't know, and all the more we find ourselves in awe of our wonderfully brilliant Creator.

So, your task today: discover life. Look at something from a new perspective. Dare to try new things. Open your mind and you open your eyes to see new wonders to enjoy. God made this world for your pleasure. Seek out its beauty. Be inquisitive and you'll, as always ...

showcase your true beauty.

God bless,

Proverbs 31 woman - Post 4

Day 4 – Prov 31:13

"She seeks wool and flax, and willingly works with her hands."
- (New King James Version)

The operative words in this verse, at least in my opinion, are "seeks" and "willingly". It emphasizes a feeling, a passion, yes, even a lifestyle. Here we see a woman who we would deem as a "workaholic." She not only is willing to do work, but actively goes out to find the materials so that she will have what she needs to do it.

But what I love most about this verse is that it shows a diligence that I think we can all apply at the existential level. Yes, the Bible talks of destiny and His higher plans. At the same time, He shows us here that we cannot wait for life to come to us. We have to seek it out. And we will be blessed for our efforts. I firmly believe in that. We are meant to be world-changers, but we can't expect the problems to come our way. Jesus told us to "go" not to "stay." Take charge of your life today.

showcase your true beauty.

God bless,

Proverbs 31 woman - Post 3

Day 3 – Prov 31:12

"She does him good and not evil all the days of her life."
- New King James Version

If you can recall what I wrote in the last message, you can see how it ties to this verse. Think of what you did today, as you lie yourself to sleep - or about what you plan on doing tomorrow. Is that score really worth settling? I know this verse is referring to a wife with her husband, but it's not possible to do only one person good all your life. It's a choice - a lifestyle really, and being good to your husband is just a small portion of the pie.

Take some time to think about your lifestyle.

showcase your true beauty.

God Bless,

Proverbs 31 woman - Post 2

Day 2 – Prov 31:11

"The heart of her husband safely trusts her; so he will have no lack of gain."
(New King James Version)

This verse tells us two things:
1/ Be a woman worthy a man's trust (notice it says 'safely' ... i.e. not in vain)
2/ When that man can trust, there is no limit to what he can gain.

While we can't always control the second point, we can control the first. Trustworthiness in any relationship is key. A good friend, sister, daughter, mother, wife, Christian should be a woman who we can count on. Evaluate yourself tonight. Do you prove yourself worthy?

showcase your true beauty.

God Bless,

Proverbs 31 woman - Post 1

Day 1 – Prov 31:10

“For who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies."
- New King James Version

we live in a society that downplays the virtue factor. they tell us that we need to represent who we are inside by how we look outside, adorning ourselves. in history it was w/ jewels. today it's w/ makeup, diva attitudes, the most expensive attitudes, and still jewelry. it's nice to dress up, of course - its how we show we care. but remember what the Bible says since old - the true jewel is deep inside - our virtue. and who would cover up a precious stone?

showcase your true beauty.

God Bless,


Strong Christian Women began as a ministry on Facebook. It was group started purely as a sanctuary for women who "are tired of boys and desire men ... but realize that no man is better than the one upstairs."

Eventually it grew greater in size, and sometime last year I, the founder, began to write devotionals on the Proverbs 31 women. Many girls responded back, telling me how God really spoke to them through those little messages. I continued to write, and am happy to say that now I am not the only one ministering on that site. Many women have posted video links and have offered advice to those seeking it.

I hope to post those devotionals here on this site as well, and from now on post them here, available to the general populace.

God bless,