Saturday, July 11, 2009

Supreme Law of the Land

*Scriptures provided by

Last week we celebrated July 4th, and I promise I thought of the title before the holiday hit. It comes from the U.S. Constitution, and essentially says that no matter what state laws may say, whatever is written in this document has to be followed. It has greater power because it holds greater authority. It is supreme.

That's how I've learned to view the Bible. Its authority is supreme, defying even physical principles at times. I'll put it this way - Back to Basics Lesson 2: God's Word is Sovereign. His Word carries the very weight of the King of kings, like a decree would carry the weight of the government official who declared it.

It's easy enough to put on paper, but what about in everyday life? How can this been seen as a fundamental Christian principle and not as a deep theological mystical property? We know God's Word serves a purpose, as shown in 2 Timothy 3:16. This verse tells of the disciplining power of the Bible, and we must be mindful that the law did not make us imperfect but rather revealed our state of imperfection. This law was fulfilled by Jesus (recall Reconcilation of the Law) and established a new covenant, or New Testament, with us. But the promises of old remain as well as some new ones: "I will never leave you," "I will never forsake you," "When you pass through the waters ... they will not overflow you." [Isaiah 43:2, Hebrews 13:2]

That's okay when all is well. It's easy to believe that God is with us when we have His favor. But remember that's just what it is - favor. An irregular, undeserved period of grace. And when it removed, it doesn't mean God has left. His "favor" may, but He does not. As Regina Spektor sings, we treat Him like a genie or Santa Claus who grants us wishes. The true Christian, the strong Christian woman who understands Lesson 2 must see that God's Word is still true during moments when His grace is less evident to us. It's there and still all-sufficient, but we have to look deeper to see it.

It's then that I have to contemplate God's character and recall Lesson 1 - He loves us. It makes me sigh with deep resignation. I quit fighting it anymore; I accept the fact that He loves. And, knowing this because I know Him, I agree with the song by Third Day, that "nothing compares to the greatness of knowing You, Lord." [Based on Philippians 3:8]. I am amazed by His love, the most fundamental truth of all, and, knowing Him and knowing His love for me, I can trust (yes trust) that all His promisses are yes and amen. [2 Corinthians 1:20].

Ladies, here I make an appeal to you. I know for a fact that all of you know someone is going through/has gone through some terrible things, things that are/were unfair and tempt/ed her to doubt God. (That girl may even be yourself). It has caused her to become a pessimist (or "realist" in her terms). I've experienced that. But I urge you to appeal to that woman. Tell her God's Word is still sovereign; His promises are still true. Romans 5:5 tells us that His love gives us the right and authority to hope. It's okay, I repeat, it's okay to hope. Hope comes from character which developed from pereservance built up during our tribulations [verses 3 and 4]. His grace will always enable us to stand thorugh the storm [verse 2] In this we can rejoice. In this we can rejoice. You are allowed to hope, my sister. You can trust in Him. [Psalm 34:8] He is good.

God bless,

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