Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Proverbs 31 woman - Post 10

Day 10 – Prov 31:19

"She stretches out her hands to the distaff, and her hand holds the spindle."
- (New King James Version)

I'm not quite sure if my interpretation on this one is valid; it certainly is not a deep as the previous few. But we serve a practical God so ...

When I read this verse, my mind conjures up an image of a woman sitting in a little spot in her house, busily working at her spindle. She is making clothing for all of her house (probably including her maidservants), and making some extra (the reason we'll see later). It's a talent that she was not born with, but one that was birthed out of necessity. Eventually she became so efficient at it that she realized she can make something of it ...

I'll leave you with that cliffhanger. Some of you will read ahead and figure it out yourselves.

Today's virtue: resourcefulness. Make due with what you have. God has given you all you need (check Matthew 6:25-34). It may require a little effort, and even - heaven help us - TIME ;) , but in the end, we will get done what needs to be done. And who knows where it will lead?

showcase your true beauty.

God Bless,

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