Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Proverbs 31 woman - Post 19

Day 19 – Prov. 31:28, 29

"Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “ Many daughters have done well, but you excel them all.”

- (New King James Version)

And here it is. The one I've been saying would come, and you just had to take my word for it. We always knew this woman was praiseworthy, but we had yet to see her getting praised. It's funny how Day 16's verse (v. 25) taunts a little, saying that "she shall rejoice in the time to come," suggesting that she will be praised and thus justified, but qualifies it by saying in such future time.

Finally, as we approach the end of this passage, we see her getting her "just desserts." We spoke on numerous occasions of the faith principle, how you have to put in the work now and trust in God to give you the reward in the end (in fact we saw that yesterday).

But here's the beautiful thing. Look at who is praising her. It's her family - those that know her best. The hardest thing in the world is to get people who know you to praise you. They see your flaws on a DAILY basis, and love you still, though sometimes through obligation. But for them to praise you, you need to be a spectacular type of woman.

Indeed her husband tells her that, "Many daughters have done well, but you excel them all.” And this same man, recall, sits among the elders of the land, so he has probably seen the best of the best. Still he can say this compliment honestly.

Her children even call her blessed. That is perhaps even more important, because we all know that the one true legacy we leave is our future generation. So, though her children are too young to see and appreciate her dedication, they are not too recognize how good they have it. They know that she is a blessed woman, and in turn uses it to bless others.

Live a life that makes you praiseworthy.

showcase your true beauty.

God bless,


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