Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Proverbs 31 woman - Post 20

Day 20 – Prov. 31:30

"Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised."

- (New King James Version)

I can't tell you how many times I hear stories like this: "I can't walk out of the house without makeup." "I work in a higher profession - it requires me to look good." "I get more respect/attention when I look better."

I've said before that these mini message sets are not against any show of outer beauty, but they are not necessarily for it either. I really love this verse because it reminds of a time when I too was unable to look past my own exterior. God had a plethora of riches stored up inside, but I was took preoccupied with decorating the outside of this vessel. But beauty fades as quickly as it comes. So why immerse yourself into its troubles in the first place?

The world, I feel has caught on to this notion, and turned it into an anti-establishment, let-your-hair-flow-free, go-all-natural fashion craze. They tell us that the true beauty comes in confidence. "Guys love a girl who's confident in herself." This may or may not be true. But here we see that "charm is deceitful," and I've come to realize that it is. We become so confident in ourselves, charm our way into a boy's heart and for what purpose? Who are you making yourself out to be? He's falling in love with an image, a mirage, a hologram (or hallow-gram as I like to think of it). What is there to gain from that?

There's nothing wrong with being happy with who you are, but there's everything wrong with being proud of it. Why? Because you can only really be proud of something you completely controlled and turned out perfect. You are perfect (in God's eyes), but it's not a result of your actions. HE made you beautiful, inside and out. HE gave you the ability to sing, dance, speak, draw, act, think, listen, care, forgive, love. Whatever makes you you was a gift from God to share with the world. That makes you very precious, but He is the one who gave you your worth. When you remember that, when you remember to fear Him (revere Him), then you shall be praised.

showcase your true beauty.

God bless,


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