Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Proverbs 31 woman - Post 15

Day 15 – Prov. 31:24

"She makes linen garments and sells them,and supplies sashes for the merchants."

- (New King James Version)

Recall in Day 10's message that the verse talked about how our virtuous woman was resourceful, working hard at the spindle to prepare garments for her household, and most likely her maidservants as well.

Well, I like to imagine that (and I implore you to realize this is only an anecdote, a conjured pretense of my imagination), as the servant who made due with his two talents and earned two more, so the this woman was able to expand on the little she had. Using ingenuity, she engineered an efficient method of getting by, and now can produce more with less resources - the formula for business expansion. And as we saw on Day 7 (verse 16), she already had the sense to be "economic."

In other words, she was successful. God blessed her, and in turn she was able to bless others, in this case the merchants, through whom she was probably able to "bring her food from afar" (Day 5, verse 14).

Everything ties together for this woman. She was "faithful over a few things," and now was made "ruler over many things." God is a rewarder of good deeds, if not in this life, then in the glorious one to come. Be persistent in whatever you do for Him. You may not be able to see the purpose of it now, but each task is just a puzzle piece, and one day you will see the bigger picture.

showcase your true beauty.

God bless,


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