Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Proverbs 31 woman - Post 8

Day 8 – Prov 31:17

"She girds herself with strength, and strengthens her arms."
- (New King James Version)

The virtue for today: strength. The verse can be broken down to two types: 1/ the one with which she girds herself and 2/ the one with which she strengthens herself.

The former is a form that she can control - it is the "taking on" of strength in order to support herself. An important principle can be derived from this: to support yourself, you require the support of others. And none can be more supportive that the true Supporter.

The latter is a form that she cannot control, but is a consequence of her circumstances. She strengthens her arms by resisting some opposing force (all you weight lifters understand what I mean). But from these arduous tasks she emerges stronger than before, and, most importantly, is able to support others.

So here we see a dichotomy: to be supported, and to support. The Lord expects us to yield to both.

showcase your true beauty.

God Bless,

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