Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Proverbs 31 woman - Post 16

Day 16 – Prov. 31:25

"Strength and honor are her clothing; she shall rejoice in time to come."

- (New King James Version)

Does this verse conflict with the one that speaks of her clothing being "fine linen and purple"? I think not. Can a woman dress herself in this day and age in beautiful garments and still consider herself adorned in "strength and honor"? I think so.

These sets of messages are a rant for nor against makeup, jewelry, or fashionable clothing. They merely are meant to encourage you to look at the beauty inside and show it outwardly. It's not something to be hidden. Wear yourself with dignity. Be proud of who you are in Him. Be proud to be His dearest princess. Yes, you. You as an individual, not just a member of this FB group. God looks at me and says, "I love you, Alisha, with all my heart. And I long for the day when you will give me all of your heart. I long for the day when you'll see me as I see you, and are unafraid to show this to the world, no matter what the consequence."

Showing who you really are can be frightening - I know, I feel it daily. But God has encouraged today (literally) to let you know that I may be swimming upstream, against the current, but I know where I'm going, and I'm only getting stronger in the process.

So say this to yourself today, filling in your name, in front of a mirror, looking directly eye-to-eye. "God loves me, ___, with all His heart. And He longs for the day when I will give Him all of my heart. He longs for the day when I'll see Him as He sees me, and am unafraid to show this to the world, no matter what the consequence." Believe it to be true, because it is, and you SHALL "rejoice in the time to come."

showcase your true beauty.

God bless,


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