Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Proverbs 31 woman - Post 7

Day 7 – Prov 31:16

"She considers a field and buys it; from her profits she plants a vineyard."
- (New King James Version)

Repetition in the Bible, as in any other book, is not in vain. There is a reason why themes are repeated. Quick recap of themes we've seen so far: hard work & diligence, an attitude of "doing," and most recently - preparedness.

Here we see preparedness take on a different approach. This is not from the perspective of a mother or a wife, but more so of an individual. To put it simply, she is economic. Notice that she "considers" a field, pondering over whether she really needs that field, not only if she can afford it. And she invests into her purchase, being confident of her decision, by using her own profits from other things (we'll see later) to plant a vineyard - or yield a result.

Recall that in a previous message, we talked about what is needed vs. what we want. Well, now we see that God is actually encouraging us to go ahead and invest into ourselves by investing into our decision, knowing full well that He is with us. Trust in the Lord. Trust that He is one who is with the righteous woman. Trust yourself by investing into yourself - invest your love, time, energy, and least of all money (remember keep things in perspective).

showcase your true beauty.

God Bless,

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