Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Proverbs 31 woman - Post 13

Day 13 – Prov. 31:22

"She makes tapestry for herself; her clothing is fine linen and purple."
- (New King James Version)

I smile at myself as I type this because I wonder how many of you guys will think me a hypocrite, or at least, in a much more grave instance, think the Bible inconsistent. But it isn't.

The word/virtue for today - elegance - doesn't seem like a virtue at all. But it is. The American Heritage Dictionary defines elegance as "refinement, grace, and beauty in movement, appearance, or manners." Appearance is just a portion of it. But it is a part.

I am in no way encouraging anyone to judge a person; Jesus Himself explicitly says "Do not judge" (Matthew 7:1). Sometimes, however, how we "dress" ourselves can significantly impact our future. I say "dress", because we can do so in so many ways, not just with our clothing. Our demeanor is important, too. Think of a princess. Part of her profession is to kind of exude regality. She has to realize that she is in a position of prominence, and because of this she must act in a way that can positively reflect her country.

Well, I hope you all realize that you all are princesses as well. Your Father is not just any king, but the King of Kings and Lord of lords. We are to reflect positively on His kingdom. So don't be afraid to dress up. So long as you can be happy with, and not proud of, the blessings God has given you, there is no sin. Any remember to never be afraid to

showcase your true beauty.

God bless,

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